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First Congregational Church of Madison
An Open and Affirming Congregation of the United Church of Christ

No matter who you are or where you are
on life's journey, you are welcome here.

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1896 Mathushek Piano

In the Activity Center of the Church House resides an old, upright piano built in New Haven by the Mathushek Company, founded by Frederick Mathushek (1814-1891). An immigrant from Germany, Mathushek came to New York in 1849 and, after working several years for an American piano manufacturer, he started his own company in 1852.


In 1866, he expanded and came to New Haven, Connecticut. Mathushek is considered one of the greatest innovators in piano design and construction and his pianos are generally considered among the finest American pianos built in that time period. The Mathushek Piano Manufacturing Company finally went out of business in 1958.

The 1896 Mathushek upright piano owned by the First Congregational Church, while in need of some cosmetic and structural repair, is nevertheless used with surprising frequency. Many church adult and youth members, as well as members of organizations who use the Activity Room on a weekly basis, like to sit down and play a tune or two, enjoying its rich, full and powerful tone. It is a treasured member of the church’s instrument “family”.

The old Mathushek store
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