First Congregational Church of Madison
An Open and Affirming Congregation of the United Church of Christ

No matter who you are or where you are
on life's journey, you are welcome here.

Mission Trips can be a life-changing experience.
To ‘go out’ into the world to serve is part of our calling as
Christians; it echoes the commissioning Jesus first gave to his
first followers. And like them, we do not need to be specially equipped
for the work beyond our commitment to offer a small part of our lives
to help others.
First Congregational Church invites you to consider participating in
a Mission Trip.
This summer, July 5-11, 2021, we will traveling to Appalachia
to help rehabilitate homes with the Appalachian Service Project,
a ministry with over 50 years experience in the region.
It is important to know that no experience with home building is required,
but experience can be of great help in leading our work teams.
Anyone who has finished 8th grade and is 13 years or older is welcome. Friends are invited as well.
For more information on the Appalachian Service Project, visit their website at www.asphome.org.
You can see some of their videos and hear testimonials on their YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/AppServProject