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First Congregational Church of Madison
An Open and Affirming Congregation of the United Church of Christ

No matter who you are or where you are
on life's journey, you are welcome here.

Occasional Saturdays 6-8 pm
Hubley Hall – in the Church House
Community Family Forums are a series of dinner events
that promote social awareness, education, action, and time
spent together as family and community.
We bring youth, teachers, activists, engaged citizens,
and community leaders together to lead us in focusing
on topics that touch us all in some way, either directly
or indirectly.
The result is a stimulating evening where we learn,
dialogue, build community, and engage in hands-on action
together as a group or individually.
Past Forum topics have included: Food Insecurity, Pollution in the Long Island Sound, and Refugees.
Everyone is invited to attend. A small donation is suggested to cover the cost of food.

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