First Congregational Church of Madison
An Open and Affirming Congregation of the United Church of Christ

No matter who you are or where you are
on life's journey, you are welcome here.

Love Your Neighbor Actions
When the Covid lock-down hit, First Church organized weekly
Love Your Neighbor Actions to safely reach out and do good i
n the world. We continue to rally around creative and simple actions
we can do to care for our neighbors.
Below are a few examples of what we’ve done:
Decorate Trees to Thank Front line workers –
Red hearts and ribbons wrapped the church trees to show our gratitude.
Baked Goods for Middlesex Hospital Staff –
Delivered bags full of homemade baked goods for ER and
Hospital staff working long hours.
Cards for Nursing Homes –
Made and delivered cards of encouragement, appreciation and good wishes to Nursing Home staff and residents.
Food Pantry Donations –
Collected food for the Madison Food Pantry.
Baked Goods for Lay Caring Meals -
Contributed delicious homemade desserts to the meals our Caring Ministry brings to people.
Gratitude for Grocery Workers –
Provided snacks and thank you posters for grocery store break rooms.
Fans for IRIS –
Collected fans to help recent immigrants and refugees stay cool in the summer.