First Congregational Church of Madison
An Open and Affirming Congregation of the United Church of Christ

No matter who you are or where you are
on life's journey, you are welcome here.

Healing Prayer Ministry
Anyone is invited to ask for healing prayer. Members of the
Healing Prayer Ministry are here to welcome you, ask you simply,
“How can we pray for you?” and then share in a time of prayer together,
laying on hands if you wish. It’s amazing how good it feels to be
surrounded by caring souls and held in God’s loving presence through prayer.
We hope you will reach out and experience. Confidentiality is respected.
Healing Prayer is offered in the Chapel after worship on the last Sunday of each month.
The Healing Prayer team is also on call throughout the month to pray with anyone who needs or would like it. We often pray with people either before or after surgery, a major life event, or during a transition. Prayers can be for healing, discernment, and gratitude or blessing.
Are you interested in joining the Healing Prayer Team? We originally formed as a study group, reading the book Stretch Out Your Hand: An Exploration of Healing Prayer by Tilda Norberg and Robert Webber.
We continue to meet regularly for shared learning, growth and prayer. We pray with and for each other, as well as others. We ask that anyone who may be interested in joining the group, read Stretch Out Your Hand and be willing to receive prayer as well as offer it.